Aim: Support for innovative and collaborative arts projects that create a vibrant and interactive arts sector for the region. This funding provides support for professional and emerging artists to undertake a variety of arts and culture projects.
Quick Response RADF: up to $1000
Category Criteria:
- Support local artists and arts and cultural activity to deliver value for local communities
- Provide opportunities for local communities to participate in arts and cultural activities
- Invest in locally determined priorities delivered through arts and cultural activity contribute towards current government priorities
Please ensure you first read the Cassowary Coast Regional Council's RADF guidelines.
Projects requesting funding up to $1,000 can apply for a Quick response grant which are open all year round or until funding has been allocated
This funding is for projects that are emergent and that fall outside of the two set funding rounds per year
Quick response grants are approved by the RADF committee (minimum of 4 members to approve) and a general notification within 14 days of applying