Youth Financial Assistance 2024-2025

This is a preview of the Youth Financial Assistance 2024-2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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Criteria Conditions

Youth Assistance

STEAM and Sport Youth Assistance supports the personal development of young people under the age of 18 to compete in officially recognised competitions in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) or Sports.

Grants to individuals and teams are made available to assist with costs associated with travel, accommodation, nomination fees and the purchase of uniforms.

Written confirmation from the governing body confirming the individual or team selection must be attached to this application as part of the supporting documentation.

Regional Level

Team $300Individual $150

State Level

Team $400 Individual $200

National / International Level

Team $600 Individual $300

Criteria Conditions

  • In accordance with the Cassowary Coast Regional Council Community Grants Policy, financial assistance is made available by Council each year, in the form of a one off grant to local individuals and teams who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in their chosen field.
    Applicants are entitled to one financial payment per financial year.

  • The aim of the Program is to assist young people under the age of 18 years selected to compete in officially recognised competition at North Queensland, Queensland or Australia representation level, or equivalent in the areas of sport, recreation, cultural or academic endeavours.

  • Selection must be on the basis of merit, by way of formal selection process at a lower level of competition.  Assistance does not extend to cases where participation is generally open to all interested participants.

  • Grants to individuals and teams are made available to assist with costs associated with travel, accommodation, nomination fees and the purchase of uniforms.

  • The use of any part of the grant for purposes other than specified above is not permitted.

  • No applications for funding under this program will be considered for payment in any financial year once Council’s total budget allocation for this purpose has been reached.

  • Written confirmation from the governing body confirming the individual or team selection must be attached to this application as part of the supporting documentation.
    The application will not be processed if this requirement is not attached to the application.

  • There shall be recognition of the Council’s contribution to the applicant.
  • Please allow up to 14 business days for a submitted and approved application to be processed